The masterpiece standard of Perdomo Habano cigars was inspired by the dream of one day making cigars in Cuba, Nick Perdomo Jr. has created a special blend using Cuban seed tobaccos grown in the Esteli, Condega, and Jalapa regions of Nicaragua which produces a full-bodied Cuban style cigar.
'By blending these cigars from tobaccos from these different regions, we've created a unique cigar smoking experience where you will enjoy the complexity of the full-flavored tobaccos from Esteli, the aromatic tobaccos from Condega, and the naturally sweet tobaccos from the Jalapa Valley', says Nick Perdomo. 'I believe the Cuban seed Corojo and triple-fermented Nicaraguan Maduro wrappers compliment this unique filler blend by adding rich, bold flavors with a smooth, satisfying finish', says Nick. And tasting is believing. These must-smoke cigars will enthrall you. Don't take our word for it, check out out Perdomo Habano cigar reviews.
Recognized as one of the pioneers in cigar packaging, Perdomo has done it again by designing all of the artwork for Perdomo Habano cigars incorporating Perdomo's stylish logo with pricelsss artwork from the early 1900s. Each of the Perdomo Habano cigars is double banded with the primary band depicting the different growing regions on the sides, including "Habana" in recognition of the Cuban seeds Perdomo uses to grow these tobaccos. The foot band, which prominently defines the cigar wrapper, also serves to protect your Perdomo Habano cigars when the cellophane is removed.
Perdomo Habano cigars are packaged in hand-stained Spanish cedar boxes of 20.
Perdomo Habano cigars are available in five sizes: Perdomo Habano robusto 5 x 52, Perdomo Habano Toro 5 1/2 x 54, Perdomo Habano Torpedo 6 1/2 x 54, Perdomo Habano Gordo 6 x 60, Perdomo Habano Presidente 7 x 56. Check out our Perdomo Habano cigar reviews.
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